Website Migration Complete

Hi Everyone,

I have finished migrating all the data across to the new web server in Sydney and all the galleries are available again.  The special pages such as Flower Colour and Fruits have their own galleries again too.

Thanks for your patience while I got this done.

I appreciate your ongoing feedback on content corrections, etc.  We are working on updating as we can.  Apologies if any suggestions have fallen through the cracks, please feel free to get in touch again and remind me!

Best regards,


Website Migration Complete

Website Migration Complete

Livistona decora - page updated

Livistona decora - page updated

New photos - Hibiscus

New photos - Hibiscus

Form submissions lost in update - please contact us again

Form submissions lost in update - please contact us again

Donald Simpson passed away on 10th May, 2020

Donald Simpson passed away on 10th May, 2020

Iron Cross begonia

Iron Cross begonia

match box bean

match box bean

seed pods of Acacia sp.

seed pods of Acacia sp.

Porcupine flower

Porcupine flower

wattle species

wattle species

African tulip tree

African tulip tree

Dutchman's pipe

Dutchman's pipe

porcupine flower

porcupine flower

Links repaired

Links repaired



Launch of new website

Launch of new website



yellow boxwood

yellow boxwood

timon tree

timon tree

Australian frangipani

Australian frangipani