Regular visitors to the website will, from totay, notice a number of changes, especially in the way photographs are displayed. We hope that you will quickly find your way around the new format, and find the changes to your liking. All of this has become necessary because the program in which the old website was written is no longer supported by the developers.
We apologise to website owners who have linked to pages describing particular plants in our old website. Such links will have to be re-established. Links to the website in general should not be affected. A 404 error page will be displayed for any affected links.
Please get in touch, via our contacts page, with any comments you may have, or concerning any difficulties you may encounter.
We are still having a problem with the main illustration at the head of each blog. We hope to resolve this problem soon.
A new photograph (yedda hawthorn) has been added to Rhaphiolepis umbellata (yedda hawthorn).