pronounced: hell-ih-KOH-nee-uh STRICK-tuh
See also Heliconia spp.
Strictus is Latin for 'drawn tight'. This is a small plant seldom growing more than 80–90 cm tall, a favourite for growing in pots. The dainty inflorescence, about 12–13 cm long, is deep rose-coloured and evenly graded from pale to deep hues. Each bract has some green on its upper edge, matching the tiny green and white striped sepals. It grows in full sun to 60% shade. The parent species, Heliconia stricta, is actually quite a large heliconia, and grows in clumps to a height of nearly 2 m with almost the same spread. It has 2 m-long banana-type leaves. Its inflorescences are similar to those of the dwarf varieties, but a little larger.