pronounced: uh-poss-ih-NAY-see-eye
Apocynaceae is derived from two Greek words απο (apo), away, and κυων, possessive κυνος, (kyon, kynos), a dog – one of the species was thought to be poisonous to dogs. The family consists of trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents and vines. The leaves are simple, usually opposite and decussate, or whorled, usually lacking stipules. The flowers are usually showy, aggregated in cymose or racemose inflorescences. They are bisexual, with a synsepalous, 5-lobed calyx united into a tube at the base. The inflorescences are terminal and axillary. The 4 or 5 stamens are united around the style. The ovary is usually superior, of 2 carpels, with a common fused style and stigma. There is usually a nectary consisting of 5 glands or an annular ring, at the base of the ovary. The fruit is usually a follicle, capsule or berry.