(hard aspen)
(red bead tree)
(fox-tail agave)
(Archer cherry)
(garlic chives)
(red ash)
(red calico plant)
(ground asparagus fern)
(foxtail fern)
(Chinese violet)
(native gardenia)
(white azalea)
(Malabar spinach)
(poor man's orchid)
(tar vine)
(Dietrich's morning glory)
(angel's trumpet tree)
(prickly pine)
(m0ck orange)
(angel wings)
(million bells)
(beauty leaf)
(native pomegranate)
(wild caper bush)
(green capsicum)
(Natal plum)
(currant bush)
(native frangipani)
(queen of the night)
(northern native olive)
(Jamaican fiddlewood)
(Kaffir lime)
(Tahitian lime)
(imperial mandarin)
(lolly bush)
(tree of little stars)
(seaside clerodendrum)
(musical note plant)
(witches' tongues)
(nodding clerodendrum)
(Chinese honeysuckle)
(grey bloodwood)
(long-fruited bloodwood)
(tessellated ghost gum)
(Cadaghi gum)
(crape ginger)
(swamp lily)
(three-veined laurel)
(wrinkle pod mangrove)
(dove orchid)
(Cobb's dendrochilum)
(scorpion tick trefoil)
(button orchid)
(pencil orchid)
(Malaysian dracaena)
(red-edged dracaena)
(spotted dracaena)
(false daisy)
(grey ironbark)
(poplar gum)
(eucharist lily)
(beach cherry)
(Brazilian cherry)
(cape plum)
(Griffith's ash)
(scaly ash)
(broad-leafed scrub wilga)
(scrub python tree)
(mother-of-pearl plant)
(ghost plant)
(white oak)
(emu berry)
(dog's balls)
(white ginger)
(white heliotrope)
(false rosella)
(wild rosella)
(wax plant)
(yellow pitaya)
(spider lily)
(sweet potato)
(beach moonflower)
(native ixora)
(foambark tree)
(native jasmine)
(shrimp plant)
(spiny-headed mat-rush)
(jewel orchid)
(white-flowered black mangrove)
(Brazilian jasmine)
(orange boxwood)
(white cedar)
(Alamo vine)
(lime berry)
(red coondoo)
(fruit salad plant)
(drumstick tree)
(curry leaf tree)
(mock orange)
(Bangkok rose)
(green bollygum)
(water snowflake)
(cat's whiskers)
(fish berry)
(native passionfruit)
(stinking passion flower)
(corky passion flower)
(butterfly bush)
(moth orchid)
(showy sauropus)
(native gooseberry)
(aluminium plant)
(native mulberry)
(snow pea)
(rusty pittosporum)
(wallaby apple)
(cocky apple)
(bridal bouquet)
(medicine bush)
(creek premna)
(Cardwell lily)
(love flower)
(rag weed)
(red mangrove)
(Mexican clover)
(spear sansevieria)
(caustic creeper)
(sea fanflower)
(Brazilian pepper tree)
(licorice weed)
(barbed wire vine)
(glossy nightshade)
(peace lily)
(peanut tree)
(arrowhead vine)
(water apple)
(small-leafed lilly-pilly)
(Claudie satinash)
(Bamaga satinash)
(iodine bush)
(beach almond)
(black damson)
(Mueller's damson)
(white thunbergia)
(timon tree)
(tinospora vine)
(star jasmine)
(poison peach)
(giant pigweed)
(tridax daisy)
(native witch-hazel)
(native rosemary)
(Spanish bayonet)
(spineless yucca)